Today I just finished my first week being a master student, week of finding the way to overcome the excess of homework, work and new projects.
First, master is quite interesting, it is full of knowledge ready to be exploted, knowledge that create business oportunities. I'm very excited about this master, I know is quite long (2 years and a half long) but I bet it worths it.
Second, everyday I confirm that I'm a philosopher not as a philosopher by career but as person that loves to question every thing and enjoys finding answears or more questions.
Third, some week ago I've realized, what I need is a business partner to complement some skills we (current partners) lack. Every month I see and feel the potential that my business concept has and the benefit it could bring to mexican growing SMO and therefore to the county.
My every-sunday-challenge is how to organize my week to accomplish my week goals.
"Challenge your week and you won't be bored!".