It’s time to write again, I’ve been waiting for this moment the whole week. It’s not that I don’t wanna write something when I’m feeling in the mood; it’s that I want Sunday to be the day of the planning, the review of the week and the reflections to have a better week every time.
As I wrote the previous post I started with some of my challenges this last week. I came back to my normal university not the one in Borås, that I love but it’s not that hard like the one where I’m studying now... well, maybe that’s the reason why I love the Swedish one.
Perhaps your know, this is gonna be my last semester of bachelor after four years and a half I will be graduating by the middle of May… whether everything goes alright… but I prefer to think like Bob Marley did “… everything’s gonna be alright…”.
I’m guessing that I will really like this semester because the courses that I’m taking are quite interesting: (1) software quality control, (2) client-server computer systems, (3) comprehensive solutions for companies, (4) information systems seminar and, (5) entrepreneurial development; I’m also enrolled in salsa lessons, tennis training and I’m formalizing a business plan through the business incubator of my university in order to start my own business…
For me, it’s quite a lot of things to do and I’m not considering some other stuff that I use like hobbies and going out. Well, that’s one of my challenges; how to overcome the time constraints. I’m gonna start using a goals/roles techniques to do as much as I can without neglect other things; I’m very exited to see the results…
For my international friends I wanna let you know that the city where I live has been quite cold, it means around 8 degrees the lowest… it’s like summer in Borås, isn’t it?
Well I wanna know about your!... Stay in touch!
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