Sunday, March 23, 2008

Vacation at the Beach

The holydays are over and is time to continue with the last part of my so called student life. But let my relate you what I did this weekend.

The gang (some friends) were, since Wednesday and Thursday in El Tetuán Viejo… please don’t think that I’m talking about the city in the north of Morocco, believe me that would be much more interesting. Well, this beach is a swamp , … damn I don’t if I’m using the correct term for this, help me!... but your know it doesn’t have waves and the water is soother; ...Yes, I left my home this Saturday around 5 pm by my car, the journey took me around 40 minutes we have a 2 lanes motorway so the traffic is not like it used to be before.

I got there around 6 pm and I called one friend who told me about the broken car in which they were moving around so my car was very useful. After that we when to Omar’s home cuz they wanted to start getting ready to go out, finally we decided to spend the whole night in Altlata (the old one) therefore we met in el Cheto’s house (another friend that has a house in old Altata) and we drove along the main road where many people make street party, this means, they use to play music loudly or with live group playing and singing ‘banda’ and of course people dancing on the road and a lot of these four-wheel-motorcycle.

When we were fed up of being there we made a bonfire and we chatted and drank some beers until the sunrise, we came to El Tetún again to sleep for few hours because I was asked to take my friend to the place where we left the car, this was about midday on Sunday, then we waited until the breakdown van came and took the car to Culiacán. Just after that, we wanted to eat so we went to old Altata and I ate a great ‘Coctel de Camarón’, this is shrimp in its own stock with cucumber, onion and sometime tomato, served cold in a glass like this one on the left; I love this when I get hangover… yes I got some :p…

Finally we came back, I took my friends with my car…

By the way, Altata is well know for having one of the Best Sunset of the World… damn… they are really astonish… look at the pics … wow… and also, there is a New Altata and is a great project where they have house on sale and is very modern, check out the webpage and the map to locate Altata is here,-107.431909&sspn=0.009932,0.019956&ie=UTF8&ll=24.612063,-107.329559&spn=0.636745,1.277161&t=h&z=10

Keep reading my blog!

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