Sunday, April 6, 2008

Cool Week

This last week was very interesting; my birthday was on Tuesday, I had a meeting with the president of the university, I was part of an entrepreneur lecture and I flew to a Mexico City.

Let me start with my birthday. In the morning I had a class a 7 am, shit…, very early so I had to wake up at 5:30 am, to take a shower and dress up. I went to the uni and I got there a bit late but I didn’t miss the attendance, just when I came into the class room everybody wished me a happy birthday and stuff, after the class some friends and me went to have breakfast. At 9:30 am we were invited to be in a meeting with the president of the university because he was coming from Monterrey. He talked about the challenges of the new graduates and told us some practical thing for getting a job easily; the conference was quite interesting with lots of tips…

During lunch time my mother, sister and I went to a restaurant. I haven’t been there before, but now I can confess that food was very good. Unfortunally I had a class at 3 pm so we couldn’t stay more time in the restaurant.

Just after the class we came to my house and I replay some facebook posts as you maybe realized and I start getting ready for a small birthday party in my house. I bought some beer and I had some whisky and vodka but we couldn’t drink a lot cuz most of the people had classes the next day. There are some pics online, check them out…

On Thursday I was invited to participate in the Lecture called: “Entrepreneurship, Opportunity & Managing Growing Business” by Dennis Ceru from Babson College. It was fairly interesting even thought it was specially focus of business ideas creation.

Finally, last Friday some friends and I went to Mexico City to an employment fair. I got up very early, 4:30 am, cuz the aircraft was leaving at 7 am, we landed in Mexico around 9:50 am and we took a fu&#ng expensive taxi, it was 430 mexican pesos, this is around 30 euros… but divided by 5 it was okay.

In the fair there were around 50 companies receiving résumés I left like 16 in different firms but most of them told me that they’ll check my CV and if I match with the profile they will call me… I hope to receive some calls J … lol…

Around 2 pm we left Santa Fe taking an another taxi, much less expensive than the first one, to Coyacan. We had lunch there and we went sightseeing for some hours and than took to the metro to the airport. We came back to Culiacan around 10:00 pm and we were very very tired.

Active week, don’t your thing so?...

Have an active week, bye.

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