Sunday, May 11, 2008

One day Before Monday

I just came from New Altata, I went there because today is the day when Mexicans celebrate mothers, yes… Mother’s days… we had lunch there and we spent some hours in the beach club. It was, as I use to say, not bad.

Today I started feeling the hot weather. It feels like a hang over, I mean, dehydrated… the thing is that I didn’t drink any kind of alcohol yesterday, I guess is because of the hot weather … -missing Swedish-freshness :P-…

Oh yeah … tomorrow I will deliver a project and then my student life will be over… I will have a dinner next Thursday with all of the alumnae (graduates) during this dinner I will be in charge of saying some stuff as the one that will be representing guys from information systems school. I would like to say some funny things but as you maybe have realized I’m not that funny guy, at least I will try.

The day after the dinner, in the morning, I will have an event where we receive the degree from the chancellor (president) of the university, the same day after this, we’ll be celebrating in a party; on Saturday we have to plans to go camping to the beach and hopefully on Sunday I will be in an other fest.

So these means this week will be the party week :D… Cool

Well… check the news next Sunday, cheers!

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