Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another Mexican celebration

We’re almost celebrating another independence day in Mexico. I remember, almost a year ago, that we were planning the Mexican party combined with some kind of religious celebration with Indian cool guys. It was a weird mixed of cultures but it worked nice. Indians danced among men very closed to each other hahaha, not meaning gayness … then I heard that this very common in their country, they open a bottle of champagne and after that the party started.

I gave Mexican ribbons to every body I took my Mexican flag. We played the hymn but nobody liked it… I guess while being abroad you need to find your identity and we all need defend our nationality.

This year celebration of the independence is not gonna be as uncommon as I we did the Mexican-Swedish version. Some friends and I (or me?)… gonna visit a beach in the northern Sinaloa (my State). Departing on Monday and coming back on Tuesday… you know going out of the routine.

Finally let me give you my opinion about nationalism. To be a nationalist you don’t need to hang flags on your car or on the window of your home. You need to focus your priorities and action in order to contribute the selection, propagation, and execution of universal values applied for your country.

So, ¡Viva México!... as we used to say during this days.

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