Sunday, February 17, 2008

After Valentin’s Day Post

Wow… this week was amazing!... I wanna start telling you that I finished my exam's week, the four that I had were quite easy. After my exam on Friday we made a typical Sinaloense (the name of people of the state in Mexico where I live) party; this means, grill meat, beer and some kind of banda music (or something similar). It was very funny even that the evening was a little bit cold – remember that a cold evening here is around 12 °C. We were supposed to start the party at 8:30 pm but as good unpunctual Mexicans we started it at 10:00 pm. The beef was delicious, I ate more than 5 'quesadillas mixtas' and few bits of meet. We also bought many cans of beer, I can't say how many because it can hassle some people… :P… we continued celebrating till sunrise… well I'm not allowed to say more… There tons of pics in Facebook... if you have a account you can make your own judgements...

This week, I'm gonna be doing some graduation procedures as well as continue with projects and stuff… I have the graduation photo, were all the graduation candidates take group and individual pictures and then you can buy them to decorate or undecorated walls or the dog house … lol … I think, I'm wanna get one of them!

It's late here and I'm feeling sleepy. Good Bye and Thanks to everybody that told me that read my blog! This make me feel motivated to keep typing!

Have a cool week!

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