Sunday, February 24, 2008

Starting with my Graduation

Hi everyone that reads my blog. It’s good to say hello and tell you what I did this last week. Let me tell you that I was reviewing some of my post I realized that I use to make mistakes while I type, -something like: meet instead of meat… haha – and some other that I’m not gonna say… but sorry about those.

Last Friday I had my “photo session” for graduate candidates; we all dressed up like fake executives… I’m mean with formal suit (I’m not sure whether I’m using the right word for this),,, you know this kind of formal dressing with trousers and something like a tuxedo and a long sleeves shirt… … yes… you know what I mean. We made a photo session with the class, jun-may 2008. There are some pics on my picasa web … check them out: … there you can see how ridiculous we look, but it was funny and quite sad cause I’m feeling that my student period is over… and it will be over in less than 3 months …. Shit!....

It’s funny because some years ago I was looking forward to reach the day to become a graduated and start working, now I’m still excited to overcome this working issues but I still wanna be a student… I know that many things will change… I’m wondering why many working people repeat: - I would like to be a student again -, maybe I will understand during this year but I really would like to disagree with those people and find my way of being a employee or a self-dependent worker.

Bye bye

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