Sunday, December 7, 2008
just back!
Well my life, sometimes with exciting stuff but sometime with boring things. Fortunately this month has had more exciting than boring stuff (shit, I can’t write in English, wasting my low English skills :D)
First, we just finish our first consulting project; we’re only waiting for the 2nd part of the payment. It was a point-of-sale software implementation, it last around 3 week. It was quite rewarding cuz the client is young and has the attitude of business man. I could say that I learned but I confess that dealing with more difficult people is a bigger challenge and much more rewarding (not in the economical way).
… I gotta go,
… to be continued…
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hard work
But let me give tell what i did this weekend... as you know this weekend was halloween celebration, which is not a mexican but youth use to grasp a costume and let the party and booze do what they know, soo ... I let them do so ... I dressed up as a geek, nerd ... I wore a Windows Vista shirt, trouser by waist, big-nerd-glasses and huge shoes. ... hahah I really looked funny,
We went out to a club, a renew one, which I admit is the one that I prefer; I was so tired so we dance and drink only till 3 am but it was a nice paty...
The are some pics in a friend's facebook... u can check them out!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New Job?
Job in the UAS is quite interesing, I’m programming with PHP a professor survey for the students, I’m working 8 hours aday with 2 hours to have lunch… so it’s like a part-time-job therefore I have the whole morning to keep doing my businesses (do you thing I sound like an asshole hahah); doing my business means that I offering enterprise solutions using software and any othe kind of IT.
Last week was my first one there and people seem to be fairly nice. Most of them are married eventhought they’re funny and have that youth spirit.
Now uncertanity has gone away but I’m still doing my best to be a business guy.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sunday’s Writing
Finally we (my partner and me) are feeling that we almost find our first customers, I feel very excited but I also feel very nervous, uncertainty is very common in my everyday life but I’ve started to appreciate it and transform it to motivation… well I confess that I feel unmotivated sometimes but hobbies like tennis playing, going to the gym, reading, sometime dancing salsa, listening to relaxing jazz internet radio stations make me feel strong enough to keep me up.
I feel I’ve left many thinks that I shouldn’t but sometimes is necessary to do it in order to fight for dreams and stuff.
This time I wrote in a deeper proper manner, sometime I need it. :D (the word “proper” always make me recall British.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Another Mexican celebration
We’re almost celebrating another independence day in Mexico. I remember, almost a year ago, that we were planning the Mexican party combined with some kind of religious celebration with Indian cool guys. It was a weird mixed of cultures but it worked nice. Indians danced among men very closed to each other hahaha, not meaning gayness … then I heard that this very common in their country, they open a bottle of champagne and after that the party started.
I gave Mexican ribbons to every body I took my Mexican flag. We played the hymn but nobody liked it… I guess while being abroad you need to find your identity and we all need defend our nationality.
This year celebration of the independence is not gonna be as uncommon as I we did the Mexican-Swedish version. Some friends and I (or me?)… gonna visit a beach in the northern Sinaloa (my State). Departing on Monday and coming back on Tuesday… you know going out of the routine.
Finally let me give you my opinion about nationalism. To be a nationalist you don’t need to hang flags on your car or on the window of your home. You need to focus your priorities and action in order to contribute the selection, propagation, and execution of universal values applied for your country.
So, ¡Viva México!... as we used to say during this days.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Back to the Writing
One the other hand I feel a bit desperate cause I don’t get enough money to spend so I have to very careful to buy only what I’m needing.
Nothing really big but at least I keep myself busy. Have good week!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Last Saturday I made an exam necessary to be admitted in a master program which is offer by the college where I studied and Carnegie Mellon University. The exam what for free to I decided to make it.
Tomorrow I’ll make an exam for applying to a job. It’s gonna be a long one, 6-hour-exam. Wish me good look.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Reflection in Silence

I’m really forcing my self to write about this topic. On one hand is the pathetic feeling that wants to make something against the goddamn psychosis that goes around the city where I live but, on the other hand, is embarrassing for me be writing about this because I now that this post is gonna be read by people from maybe around the world. However, I have to say this seriously: if the government and the society of this county and countries involved cannot do anything against this we need to ask for help…
This is the situation; for several years that consumption of drugs from people has been increasing. Is well known developed countries are higher consumers than poorer countries. Following some of the basics of the supply and demand lay we can inferred that while having demand we’ll have supply. But why am I talking about this?... It’s because the US is a very attractive market for drug supplying and as you maybe imaging any kind of business with weed, cocaine, crack and these kind of shit is illegal in México or any State of the country, therefore you can imaging how big is the drug dealing business in this country.
Since the beginning of this year only my State (Sinaloa) has more than 580 people murdered, most of these people had some kind of relation with the drug dealing business. The problem is that the rest of them have been killed because they have pass from the scene of crime or they where in the garage where they were fixing their cars but they never knew they will be killed with by a stray bullet. And we; family, friends, relatives, and more are living with the psychosis of being reach by a stray bullet.
This is my so called solution:
Of course this wasn’t the finding of a scientific research nor a copy of a book. This is my judge about reducing the consequences of this social issue.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Hard Work!
As I wrote a couple of week ago, I’ve been making up a plan for a project in the fabrics’ retailer. These two week have been fairly tuff, working 8 to 9 hours a day, reading and learning on the day-to-day. So far, my partner is working very hard too. I believe she’s motivated as well. I learn from her everyday but I always try to find alternative solutions as a way to compare different options.
Perhaps, we’ll be presenting the plan to chairman of the company during next week. We must find the ways to convince him about the benefits of everything what we’re offering but let me tell you that I’ve been making mistakes during the development of the project plan. I guess is normal for inexperience people.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
2 Weeks after the Cuban Trip
On the other hand I was asked to work as advisor or junior consultant in a fabric retailer of my city, afterward I’m working on a proposal to improve point-of-sale and inventory processes. This project is planned to be executed by my partner and me… and by the way, I have support from my uni to start a firm. It’s a challenge but is very motivating for me.
I’m really excited at this time but I’m also a bit worry about a failure on this, anyway I’ll put all the effort to achieve the goals and objectives defined. I would be glad to write good news on this blog next week, so, keep reading.
Bye bye!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Cuban Trip
If you thing Cuba is an exotic and very interesting country, I agree with you. They have a great mix of cultures which create a wonderful Caribbean culture. People is very friendly, they love talking with foreign, they enjoy simple things of life, they love music which is present in every place, and as extra information I would like to tell u that they don’t have analphabetism and they one of the best medical services in the world with one of the lowest infancy death rate.
Perhaps you thing that they’re not happy with their life and the government but I’d say, what I could appreciate during this week, the greater population agree with the regime. On the other hand many of the citizens would change things of the country… current politics seem to be changing.
Take a look at the pictures of Picasa (… they’re nice. Aren’t they?
Read me next week :D
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I will start writing what I’ve been doing since the 11th…
As you read along the lines of the last post, I had a dinner with the alumnae (graduates) and our closed family, I mean, we had 4 chairs; mom, sister, bertha and me… few hours before we had a mass cuz is common in Mexico have it in order to thank God for the ending of our studies… anyway after the mass we took pics, you know, with the family and friend and other graduates then Almita, Paúl, Raúl and me went to a coffee shop closed to the cathedral we drank a beer to start with the celebration :D… unfortunately Raúl forgot the keys of his car so I were a bit delayed to the dinner, but wasn’t a problem, finally were there.
During the dinner we were so happy cause it was very nice cuz many people were there congratulating us and taking pictures with us. I was in charge of the speech of my major. I think it was quite concrete and I feel that I say exactly what I wanted to say. After that, we had the dinner and it finished around 12 am cuz the degree delivery was the day after in the morning.

During the evening I went to a party organized by a group of graduated, it was in the garden pretty nice, we danced and drank whisky and beer, it was funny and I really enjoy it but I couldn’t stay a long time cuz we had plans to camp at the bech the day after.
In the morning of Saturday, we agreed to meet us in Violetas’ house to depart to Altata, this beach that I’ve mentioned lots of times before. The first stop was in El Tambor, a beach near Altata, but with no houses, only the open beach not a bay. We made a kind of photo session directed by Adolfo, a friend, who loves photography. The session was great; there are lot of pictures in facebook, but in my friends profiles… I will try to get all of them to have them with me. Just after this we went to Altata and we started to make up the camping and stuff, we spent the whole night having fun, drinking some beers and eating, the day after Cynthia was celebrating her graduation with a big party, we were very tired cuz you as you might guess we didn’t sleep enough but anyway we were there and we danced the whole night… lol… :D…
… to be continue… with Cuban Trip...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
One day Before Monday
Today I started feeling the hot weather. It feels like a hang over, I mean, dehydrated… the thing is that I didn’t drink any kind of alcohol yesterday, I guess is because of the hot weather … -missing Swedish-freshness :P-…
Oh yeah … tomorrow I will deliver a project and then my student life will be over… I will have a dinner next Thursday with all of the alumnae (graduates) during this dinner I will be in charge of saying some stuff as the one that will be representing guys from information systems school. I would like to say some funny things but as you maybe have realized I’m not that funny guy, at least I will try.
The day after the dinner, in the morning, I will have an event where we receive the degree from the chancellor (president) of the university, the same day after this, we’ll be celebrating in a party; on Saturday we have to plans to go camping to the beach and hopefully on Sunday I will be in an other fest.
So these means this week will be the party week :D… Cool
Well… check the news next Sunday, cheers!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Time to Write Again
Your know what?, I feel that I haven’t done anything important during these weeks that I haven’t written… yes… I’ve been pretty busy with project and stuff like that specially one the development of a system about a point-of-sale/inventory for a Retail store.
As you maybe know, the next, is my last week as a university student… I have this feeling again that I had when I was leaving Sweden; I don’t realized that I’m finishing my undergraduate studies and I feel that I’m gonna continue with this next semester, even thought I’ve been looking for jobs and I’ve made few interviews.
Now I remember that last week wasn’t that bad… I received the grades from two exams, the EGEL, which is an independent examination that evaluated the whole studies… damn… I got a great score… I was surprised and of course very happy, I know this is not that significant but at least I know that my knowledge is not shit J. I got my toefl score as well… I did it better that the last time anyway I need to do it better next time.
Finally I wanna tell you that next week is my last week as student. Now that I’m reflecting I sure I will miss my student days … I would say that my years as a student were very interesting, rewarding as well as challenging… it doesn’t mean that I won’t be student again, I have plans to continue learning and studying hopefully abroad…
For that moment I want to say: enjoy your student life.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Cool Week
Let me start with my birthday. In the morning I had a class a 7 am, shit…, very early so I had to wake up at 5:30 am, to take a shower and dress up. I went to the uni and I got there a bit late but I didn’t miss the attendance, just when I came into the class room everybody wished me a happy birthday and stuff, after the class some friends and me went to have breakfast. At 9:30 am we were invited to be in a meeting with the president of the university because he was coming from Monterrey. He talked about the challenges of the new graduates and told us some practical thing for getting a job easily; the conference was quite interesting with lots of tips…
During lunch time my mother, sister and I went to a restaurant. I haven’t been there before, but now I can confess that food was very good. Unfortunally I had a class at 3 pm so we couldn’t stay more time in the restaurant.
Just after the class we came to my house and I replay some facebook posts as you maybe realized and I start getting ready for a small birthday party in my house. I bought some beer and I had some whisky and vodka but we couldn’t drink a lot cuz most of the people had classes the next day. There are some pics online, check them out…
On Thursday I was invited to participate in the Lecture called: “Entrepreneurship, Opportunity & Managing Growing Business” by Dennis Ceru from Babson College. It was fairly interesting even thought it was specially focus of business ideas creation.
Finally, last Friday some friends and I went to Mexico City to an employment fair. I got up very early, 4:30 am, cuz the aircraft was leaving at 7 am, we landed in Mexico around 9:50 am and we took a fu&#ng expensive taxi, it was 430 mexican pesos, this is around 30 euros… but divided by 5 it was okay.
In the fair there were around 50 companies receiving résumés I left like 16 in different firms but most of them told me that they’ll check my CV and if I match with the profile they will call me… I hope to receive some calls J … lol…
Around 2 pm we left Santa Fe taking an another taxi, much less expensive than the first one, to Coyacan. We had lunch there and we went sightseeing for some hours and than took to the metro to the airport. We came back to Culiacan around 10:00 pm and we were very very tired.
Active week, don’t your thing so?...
Have an active week, bye.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Turning Older
On other hand, I made a 12-hour-exam last Friday and Saturday, shit, it was exhausting. I’m just expect pass it, I guess I will get the grade in around 1 month.
And finally, cause I’m sleepy, I’m turning 23 next Tuesday, seem that I won’t do anything to celebrate it but of course I will be very happy receiving SMSs, e-mail, call phones and hugs :p… this day is gonna be a very impressing day.
Wish me a happy birthday!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Vacation at the Beach
The gang (some friends) were, since Wednesday and Thursday in El Tetuán Viejo… please don’t think that I’m talking about the city in the north of Morocco, believe me that would be much more interesting. Well, this beach is a swamp , … damn I don’t if I’m using the correct term for this, help me!... but your know it doesn’t have waves and the water is soother; ...Yes, I left my home this Saturday around 5 pm by my car, the journey took me around 40 minutes we have a 2 lanes motorway so the traffic is not like it used to be before.
I got there around 6 pm and I called one friend who told me about the broken car in which they were moving around so my car was very useful. After that we when to Omar’s home cuz they wanted to start getting ready to go out, finally we decided to spend the whole night in Altlata (the old one) therefore we met in el Cheto’s house (another friend that has a house in old Altata) and we drove along the main road where many people make street party, this means, they use to play music loudly or with live group playing and singing ‘banda’ and of course people dancing on the road and a lot of these four-wheel-motorcycle.
Finally we came back, I took my friends with my car…
By the way, Altata is well know for having one of the Best Sunset of the World… damn… they are really astonish… look at the pics … wow… and also, there is a New Altata and is a great project where they have house on sale and is very modern, check out the webpage and the map to locate Altata is here,-107.431909&sspn=0.009932,0.019956&ie=UTF8&ll=24.612063,-107.329559&spn=0.636745,1.277161&t=h&z=10
Keep reading my blog!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
2nd. Round
On the other hand, on Wednesday I went to the theater to watch some of the students of the university performing a something called ‘back to the 80’s’, it was nice, I had fun watching how talented people is when they’re very well leaded and when they have the commitment to make things happen … I think that I’ve always wanted to be in a play, I remember that I used to take some drama lessons while I was a child but know its one of the things that I really would like to do.
As I mention in the first paragraph I have exams next week I hope to take advantage of my time to distribute my time and stuff…
Well I was nice to write again.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
No-post Sunday
But I let you know that I'm fine I will write extra words next Sunday.
Enjoy your week
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Starting with my Graduation
Last Friday I had my “photo session” for graduate candidates; we all dressed up like fake executives… I’m mean with formal suit (I’m not sure whether I’m using the right word for this),,, you know this kind of formal dressing with trousers and something like a tuxedo and a long sleeves shirt… … yes… you know what I mean. We made a photo session with the class, jun-may 2008. There are some pics on my picasa web … check them out: … there you can see how ridiculous we look, but it was funny and quite sad cause I’m feeling that my student period is over… and it will be over in less than 3 months …. Shit!....
It’s funny because some years ago I was looking forward to reach the day to become a graduated and start working, now I’m still excited to overcome this working issues but I still wanna be a student… I know that many things will change… I’m wondering why many working people repeat: - I would like to be a student again -, maybe I will understand during this year but I really would like to disagree with those people and find my way of being a employee or a self-dependent worker.
Bye bye
Sunday, February 17, 2008
After Valentin’s Day Post
Wow… this week was amazing!... I wanna start telling you that I finished my exam's week, the four that I had were quite easy. After my exam on Friday we made a typical Sinaloense (the name of people of the state in Mexico where I live) party; this means, grill meat, beer and some kind of banda music (or something similar). It was very funny even that the evening was a little bit cold – remember that a cold evening here is around 12 °C. We were supposed to start the party at 8:30 pm but as good unpunctual Mexicans we started it at 10:00 pm. The beef was delicious, I ate more than 5 'quesadillas mixtas' and few bits of meet. We also bought many cans of beer, I can't say how many because it can hassle some people… :P… we continued celebrating till sunrise… well I'm not allowed to say more… There tons of pics in Facebook... if you have a account you can make your own judgements...
This week, I'm gonna be doing some graduation procedures as well as continue with projects and stuff… I have the graduation photo, were all the graduation candidates take group and individual pictures and then you can buy them to decorate or undecorated walls or the dog house … lol … I think, I'm wanna get one of them!
It's late here and I'm feeling sleepy. Good Bye and Thanks to everybody that told me that read my blog! This make me feel motivated to keep typing!
Have a cool week!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Hard Work for this Week
The last Friday, Adlemi and me participated in a competition; running for around 2 km around the Campus where I’m studying and reaching the finish together… well… we didn’t get a place like the first arriving people but, we enjoy it a lot... ☻
This weekend I’ve been working on my projects progress because I’m gonna have partial exams next week and my some of my teams and me were asked for some kind of progress report and some deliverable of the work we’ve done. By the way, I didn’t tell you what my university projects are about. If you’re not interested pass to the next paragraph…
For my Information Systems Seminar as teams we’re gonna implement ITIL, or at least the practices of the service management books. I guess we’ll do this in a real company, but we haven’t started it yet.
We need to develop an inventory/point-of-sale system to manage the operation of a fabric retailer where my sister works. For this project we’re self demanding a high effort because the company really needs help to organize their operations and professionalize their labor force. Technically speaking, we’re using RUP (Rational Unified Process) to accomplish the objectives that we defined; we’ll use C# with SQL Server and perhaps some ASP .NET. The big challenge is that I’ve never written a line of code in this language so I have around 3 months to learn it and develop the system. Man… I need to pass everything otherwise I won’t receive my degree this May.
In the subject: comprehensive solutions for companies, we need to find a company with a historical transactional database in order to make a data warehouse and develop something called cube… I’m not sure about this :p… but this is something such an executive dashboard for decisions making.
And for entrepreneurial development we’ll be helping micro companies from a poor community of my city. We’ll help them to make a business plan and link them with financial instruments in order to increase their turnover and/or sales. This program is part of the initiative from my university that comes with the definition of the new mission to the year 2015.
This way you maybe imagine that I’m with lot of things to do and more because of the exams next week… but I like what I’m doing so I’m sure I will overcome this issues…
By the way, some people told me that they read my blog; this motivated me to continue writing… so keep reading and have a wonderful week!...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Posting again :p
Weeks like this one that just passed don't get it usually... Well if you read my blog you maybe know that I went to Monterrey for recruitment. The trip was really cool. I flew, for the first time, in this airline company called VivaAerobus which I remember it's a partner of Ryanair...
Yully, my whole-life-friend, picked me up and took me to Cheto's new flat. I looked around the Campus Monterrey which is located very close where I was staying, I met Enrique and Alan that Tuesday and we 6; including Yully's boyfriend, went to have dinner. The next day, Wednesday was the presentation of the company (Accenture) and some minutes after it the interviews.
There are many job offers but most of them are for developers, which is something that I like, but I would prefer something else. During the interview the recruiter told me about a vacancy in project in Mexico city for a Brazilian company... I thought, "... cool more travel!...", this was one of the things that I liked the most of this offer. I'm waiting for call in order to continue with the process of hiring... I hope to get this job. It's in an area that I love and it sound very challenging...
This weekend was the traditional carnival in Mazatlan, "... and yes...", I went there. It was a really great time; we danced, sang and forgot our every-day-routine. We stayed in a pretty good hotel... well... many things shouldn't be explained here but you maybe guess that we all had a great time.
You know what?... I’m thinking that nobody read this blog because I never get comments… maybe I should also post more professional things… lol… I will try at least.
Keep having good times and let me know something about you.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Those smooth days
This is gonna be like a short post because I’m pretty tired and I miss my bed, I didn’t slept on it yesterday… guess why? … lol…
Have fun!...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Play Ball
As I wrote the previous post I started with some of my challenges this last week. I came back to my normal university not the one in Borås, that I love but it’s not that hard like the one where I’m studying now... well, maybe that’s the reason why I love the Swedish one.
Perhaps your know, this is gonna be my last semester of bachelor after four years and a half I will be graduating by the middle of May… whether everything goes alright… but I prefer to think like Bob Marley did “… everything’s gonna be alright…”.
I’m guessing that I will really like this semester because the courses that I’m taking are quite interesting: (1) software quality control, (2) client-server computer systems, (3) comprehensive solutions for companies, (4) information systems seminar and, (5) entrepreneurial development; I’m also enrolled in salsa lessons, tennis training and I’m formalizing a business plan through the business incubator of my university in order to start my own business…
For me, it’s quite a lot of things to do and I’m not considering some other stuff that I use like hobbies and going out. Well, that’s one of my challenges; how to overcome the time constraints. I’m gonna start using a goals/roles techniques to do as much as I can without neglect other things; I’m very exited to see the results…
For my international friends I wanna let you know that the city where I live has been quite cold, it means around 8 degrees the lowest… it’s like summer in Borås, isn’t it?
Well I wanna know about your!... Stay in touch!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
New Year, First Blog
You maybe are wondering why I am writing the blog in English. The main reason is that after 4 months of great way of life in Sweden I have friends from different countries of the world and bebecause is more difficult to be in touch with them than with the people that I usually see I'm not writing this blog in Spanish. Another reason is that writing it in English can help me improving my skills in this language. I'm sorry with those people that don't like English... I hope you understand me.
Well... "it's time to move on", was common a sentence of some people from Borås, I agree with them because we all know that good things of life are not forever, I mean, exactly like they used to be because change is present everywhere and it's mandatory to find new way to face it.
I could say that I didn't get a shock in the process of changing my home from Sweden to Mexico because almost my complete family was in Barcelona and I spent this December's holydays with them; during these days I made some trips to Portugal, Galicia and London and I saw some of the people from Borås, so I would say it’s been a steady changing process that it's not completed yet.
The next stage of the process is continuing with my normal life in my mother's house and, do the last semester of the university. Damn, I realized this year it’s gonna be a great year. I hope that you have a great year fill with challenges and goals.